Love it, hate it, read it, leave a comment or two, will ya?

31 March, 2008

Font Test

Yeah, I've been getting comments from my Myspace viewers about my using comic sans ms. I find a whole lotta fucking validity in their comments and went looking for new ones. So here, the new font for Tales From the Dumb Side.

25 March, 2008

Tales From the dumb Side 25 Mar 2008

Here is the first strip in my new webcomic, Tales From the Dumb Side. A new strip will be posted at the maximum, every 3 days.

Some upcoming events

Pinche Michi "Sola"
Mar 25 - April 16, 2008

Casita del Pueblo
6738 Greenleaf Ave. Whittier, CA 90601

Opening Reception:
Saturday March 29, 2008
6:00pm - 9:00pm

RSVP: (562) 693-2844


Brewery Spring Art Walk
Apr 5-6, 2008, 11 am - 6 pm

The Brewery
2100 N. Main St. Los Angeles, CA 90031



"Love Birds"
Solo Exhibit by Hawaiian Artist Renee Visaya

Reception: April 19th, 7 - 10pm
Exhibit runs April 19th to May 10th, 2008

Blue Bird Art House
6747 Bright Ave. Whittier, CA 90601

(562) 696-9493

19 March, 2008

from the "What The Fuck" files

I'm not even going to say anything.

18 March, 2008

fight of the century

Just a funny little idea I though of trying to fall asleep last night. Who do you think will win?

P.S. don't ask me about the weird looking lady with the large breasts. That is someone else's drawing.

16 March, 2008


This is the first painting I have done in awhile. It's acrylic on a 6"x6" canvas.

About Me

My photo
A Los Angeles based artist, he does his best in life even with the shittiest hands life deals him, he'll bluff; he has a mean poker face.