Love it, hate it, read it, leave a comment or two, will ya?

31 August, 2008

Domestic Policy

This little bit was in response to Spleenal's "American Foreign Policy" strip.
You can check out his blog here.

24 August, 2008

The Lost City

The captain stared long and hard into the black velvet of the deep ocean from his seat at the bridge of the mighty Artemis. It's been several months into a resources expedition, and the re-breathers have been under strain. The submarines have never been out this long-or this far, and the captain would be damned if he were to resort going to the surface for air and risking radiation poisoning; the crew of the Artemis had an all too important role in the Pacific Colony to make such a stupid risk. While the captain mulled this over, the navigator called to his attention a strange reading on the sonar monitor. To them it appeared to be a large underwater villa, that was built nearer to the surface, with large, luxurious scallop rooftops and skylights. By the looks of it, the villa had been abandoned since the second atomic war. However the radar had detected something of even greater surprise--dry land right past the villa! The captain ordered the external lights to be turned on so he can see. The lights shone into the empty shells of the villa, and onto the sheer rise of earth behind it. Taking the global coordinates the captain looked into older nautical charts to determine the Artemis' location. Indeed they had found land and an echo of their former lives as denizens of the land, but the structure they found was no underwater villa, but was the sunken ruins of a great opera house located in the former city of Sydney, Australia.

22 August, 2008


I found lately that the internet is becoming very uninteresting lately. Even free porn isn't as exciting as it was, and I'm too poor (and paranoid of sending my card number) to go on a pay site.

As well, I have made the permanent change to put these strips on actual paper with REAL (yes, real) ink, with 100% graphite pencilling underneath!

16 August, 2008

Unstable II


when badly drawn panels become problematic

05 August, 2008

19 July, 2008

Animation!!! Whee!!!

13 seconds of slightly altered JPEG frames and shoddy cameraphone work is the end result here.

Expect more.

18 July, 2008

22 June, 2008

Asshole on Duty

Tales From the Dumb Side is back and kicking off the summer with something Summer-themed or whatever.

21 June, 2008

Postal: A Badly Drawn Webcomic Pt.1

I've been having computer issues recently, and now that they're gone, I'm starting a new comic! Here's part one.

31 March, 2008

Font Test

Yeah, I've been getting comments from my Myspace viewers about my using comic sans ms. I find a whole lotta fucking validity in their comments and went looking for new ones. So here, the new font for Tales From the Dumb Side.

25 March, 2008

Tales From the dumb Side 25 Mar 2008

Here is the first strip in my new webcomic, Tales From the Dumb Side. A new strip will be posted at the maximum, every 3 days.

Some upcoming events

Pinche Michi "Sola"
Mar 25 - April 16, 2008

Casita del Pueblo
6738 Greenleaf Ave. Whittier, CA 90601

Opening Reception:
Saturday March 29, 2008
6:00pm - 9:00pm

RSVP: (562) 693-2844


Brewery Spring Art Walk
Apr 5-6, 2008, 11 am - 6 pm

The Brewery
2100 N. Main St. Los Angeles, CA 90031



"Love Birds"
Solo Exhibit by Hawaiian Artist Renee Visaya

Reception: April 19th, 7 - 10pm
Exhibit runs April 19th to May 10th, 2008

Blue Bird Art House
6747 Bright Ave. Whittier, CA 90601

(562) 696-9493

19 March, 2008

from the "What The Fuck" files

I'm not even going to say anything.

18 March, 2008

fight of the century

Just a funny little idea I though of trying to fall asleep last night. Who do you think will win?

P.S. don't ask me about the weird looking lady with the large breasts. That is someone else's drawing.

16 March, 2008


This is the first painting I have done in awhile. It's acrylic on a 6"x6" canvas.

About Me

My photo
A Los Angeles based artist, he does his best in life even with the shittiest hands life deals him, he'll bluff; he has a mean poker face.